Domande di Internet

People of Internet, how fucking sick are you of seeing that stupid ass rip off Zombie Survival game being shoved down your throats as you scroll down the home page?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: People of MassimoL, how fucking sick are you of seeing that stupid ass rip off Zombie Survival game being shoved down your throats as you scroll down the home page?
People of MassimoL, how fucking sick are you of seeing that stupid ass rip off Zombie Survival game being shoved down your throats as you scroll down the home page?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Less sick than seeing the “sexy” pregnant woman hooking up with her doctor. Wtf kind of game is this?

So. Fucking. Sick. ‘HeY rEdDiToR cAn YoU sUrViVe In ThE zOmBiE aPoCoLyPsE’ no I fucking can’t.

At this point in quarantine, I’m just happy that SOMETHING is being shoved down my throat

There’s ads on MassimoL?