
[Endgame] Mini-theory: Why Korg says “Stormbreaker” chopped Thanos’ big head off.

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[Endgame] Mini-theory: Why Korg says “Stormbreaker” chopped Thanos’ big head off. e ci spiega:

When Thor is trying to gloat and asks Korg to tell Hulk “who chopped Thanos' big head off?” Korg says, unsure, “Stormbreaker?” It might seem like moment of slightly cringey 'humor,' a decent joke but not a knee-slapper. Korg is so random! But I think there's slightly more to Korg's guess. Because Korg is made of inorganic material (rocks), he considers Stormbreaker, which is also not organic, to be every bit a “being” as Thor or Hulk or anyone/anything else. So if you count inorganic objects as “who”s, it's the most accurate to say Stormbreaker chopped off Thanos' head, even though it was being swung by Thor.

That's all, I feel like maybe I heard or read this somewhere so if it's stolen I'll delete it and say 10 “Hail Hydras” or something. har har, thanks for reading.