Domande di Internet

Extroverts of Internet, what questions do you have for introverts?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Extroverts of MassimoL, what questions do you have for introverts?
Extroverts of MassimoL, what questions do you have for introverts?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Why is it so hard to respond to a text?

When I take you under my wing, effectively adopt you and make sure you are noticed for your badassness, do you know how much I love you?

Did you know your fly’s open?

Why do you always feel like you’re the weird one in the room? Everyone’s weird. We’re just weird on the outside.

Why can’t you just tell those close to you when you need some time or space? If you know your friend is more extroverted than you they aren’t going to just magically know when you have reached your social limits, but it doesn’t mean they don’t care about them and want to respect them.