Relazioni e amore

GF(19) is angry that I failed the final she made me take for her

Dude I stopped reading when she said you don’t prioritize her enough. You took her exams for her. WTF. Run away!!

You should of dumped this girl when she asked you to take her exams for her. That is shit she could get expelled for. She has zero room to complain. If you do break up I hope she doesn’t rat you out to your University.

“For months I have been trying to get this guy out of her life but to no avail.”

That’s the problem in all of this. You are a doormat for her and she is walking all over you, because she is holding him as leverage over your head.
Trying for month? No. You just say: “You ca be friends with him or in a relationship with me.”
She will chose him and that’s it, thankfully. Listen, my dude: She never respected you. Most likely she is using you for your school help, keeping you in line via threatening break up is her go-to tactic, and is already cheating on you.

comment section: “And overall she treats me well except for our multiple fights (she has a strong victim mentality)”

Translation: We are fighting all the time, but when we aren’t fighting for once,it’s good.
Victim mentality? Tantrums, guilt tripping, gaslighting. Come on, you know you should leave her.