Relazioni e amore

Highlight the red flags, DON’T try and paint them green

I’ll post a question here instead of making a wholeass post.

I am on a break with my boyfriend right now because he has been acting like a complete utter dick. (I posted a post somewhere.. cant find it now bc im at work). His frieds who are messaging me keep telling me how he has changed, how he is working on himself etc. He expects us to go back together, but I don’t want to.

I plan on meeting with him and telling him everything, why and the whats of the breakup, so Is it okay for me to tell him that I fully support him in .. changing himself, but the past is the past and I can’t really go over that b/c a part of me still fears that he gets back to his old habits?

So sorry if this is rly unclear but im kinda writing it in a rush, but feel free to ask if you need any more info!!

22 in a month’s time myself and been in a relationship for 3 years. I feel as if I’ve learned a whole lot, and can relate to these points. I don’t think it’s about the age you are but what you’ve been through and how you grow from that. Relationships are some of the best lessons, and if they can’t work out at least you’ve learnt from them.