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How do I tell my Aunt that my kids aren’t allowed to sleep over anymore because I don’t trust her boyfriend?

Creepy that his 3 year old grand-daughter sleeps with the adults. I’m worried for her, hearing that.

How do you tell your aunt? OP, just look at the title of this thread tell he exactly what it says. When she inevitably ask “WTF”, just explain to her. Try to remain calm, stick to your guns, and most importantly, dont go into the conversation expecting to debate/argue.

Lay down what you want, and leave it at that. Dont bend, dont let her manipulate you into changing your mind. Just tell her why, and stick to it. In the end, its your kids and you decide what is best for them..Not what is best for her.

And of course, im not implying to go into this raging and ready for a fight. Nope. Just respectfully tell her what you are telling us. And dont back down.

Btw, if you do this in person, and she starts to yee and haw..Just walk away.

Trust your gut and don’t be apologetic when it’s your kid’s safety. There are enough polite victims

Don’t beat around the bush and just tell her. Also mention that this shouldn’t affect her that much and that she can always visit your children at your place. You shouldn’t even be putting her on the first place here. Put your kids first. That’s what matters.

“I don’t appreciate his history of disciplining my children without my consent, and I’m uncomfortable with the idea that he could do something like that to them when I’m not there to protect them.” Stick to your guns; the most important thing here isn’t your aunts feelings, but your child’s safety.