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My (20F) Boyfriend (20M) Burned My Makeup & Threw It Away Just To Get Me To “Feel More Confident Without It.” Is This A Deal Breaker Or A Good Thing?

This is fucked up, controlling, insane, manipulative behavior. It’s your face, you get to decide whether or not to put makeup on it. He doesn’t have a say in the matter. If he was worried about your confidence or whatever, he should’ve just had a conversation with you like an adult. This is about controlling your behavior, and it’s a huge red flag.

Dealbreaker? DEFINITELY. He stole your property (expensive property, at that) and got rid of it because he decided you didn’t need it, without talking to you about it, out of a desire to control your appearance. No amount of ‘it’s because I find you so beautiful’ makes this okay behavior.

Beyond all of that, I’m curious if I’m the only one who is concerned by the fact that he decided to burn it? What’s wrong with the garbage?

Speaking the truth? Nah this is him setting an example of how much control he wants over you