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UPDATE Should I [30F] tell my brother [34M] that he’s gone viral? His ex-wife [30F] published a popular article about how shitty he is.

I doubt that your brother would go for this, but has he considered legal action? She is slandering him. If it was anonymous, that would be different. She is entitled to her (flawed) opinion of him. Bit she used real names and pictures. Thats straight up libel/slander.

I’m so happy to ready this update. Your brother is lucky to have you and April in his life.

Coming clean is hard and being able to forgive is sometimes feels impossible. Sounds like whatever happened might have been a push to be more vocal and open up more?

Really glad to hear it, was thinking about you guys the other day. Good to hear your brother has a good support network.

You’re right to be skeptical that he’ll call you if things go south. Might be good to check in on him now and then; he’s probably more likely to talk to you about things if you call and ask.

I mean, it’s very much a possibility that your brother was a very different person behind closed doors. It’s not like he’d tell you. And it seems you already had a strong dislike for his ex, so it’s not like you’re a reliable narrator either. In the end, everyone is good and happy, I guess, so no harm to anyone. His ex is allowed to speak on her experiences however she wants and your brother is allowed to shrug it all off and keep it moving.