Relazioni e amore

UPDATE Should I [30F] tell my brother [34M] that he’s gone viral? His ex-wife [30F] published a popular article about how shitty he is.

>This isn’t a parable about how poor, innocent men constantly have their lives ruined by horrible women through random accusations of assault. That parable is a bullshit narrative concocted by cis, straight men who don’t know how to cope.

You “cis, straight men” haters continue to deny things that go against your biases even when you see direct evidence of it happening to those you love. Amazing. You and Eve are part of the same problem. You only went against your anti male bias this time because it happened to be a family member that was accused. If this wasn’t your brother you’d be right there in the comments cheering Eve on.

Also I’m not sure why you’re saying trans or gay men aren’t victims of this too and it’s only straight men. That’s rather transphobic and homophobic of you in addition to being sexist. I’m surprised you didn’t add the word “white” into your post for some casual racism too for good measure since you’ve covered everything else.

Ah yes, that kid in india who was pushed to suicide by a woman’s fake accusation is just a “bullshit narrative concocted by cis, straight men”

>. That parable is a bullshit narrative concocted by cis, straight men who don’t know how to cope with company at the top of the hill.


100% he deserves to know.