Relazioni e amore

[UPDATE] to My best friend hates me because her dog died on my watch

Thanks for this update, it warms the old heart.

Oh my god my mom is also the nicest person in the world but she completely disowned me for a week after dog died! I can’t even remember what the reason was.

She is absolutely TERRIBLE with handling grief. It’s not uncommin for someone to outwardly project their feelings on someone alive than for then to project them towards the unchangeable death.

She doesn’t do it on purpose but she needs to create problems outside of her grief so she feels like she is in control of her feelings.

Thank you for this update. I hope Jen heals from this and your friendship is stronger than ever.

Thank you so much for the update. I’ve been thinking about this post and wondering how things turned out. Hoping for healing for her and for you.

Glad to know that all is sorted out. Good day!