Domande di Internet

A new law forces you to choose between revealing either your google search results or your porn search results, which is it gonna be?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: A new law forces you to choose between revealing either your google search results or your porn search results, which is it gonna be?
A new law forces you to choose between revealing either your google search results or your porn search results, which is it gonna be?

Ed ecco le risposte:

I only google porn, so same same I guess.

Google for sure. I dont do anything that bad on google as i do with porn i search for

Porn for sure. Thats embarrassing yes, but everyone knows their porn choices are gross, its expected. My Google search history is shameful in a whole new way.

Porn search results. I’d prefer them thinking I’m a pervert/fucked up rather than plain stupid

Take your pick. I hide nothing.