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After you die, it is said you experience 7 final minutes of brain activity. In those 7 minutes you relive your entire life in a dream like state. But because in dreams time is stretched, how do you know you’re not experiencing that right now?

If it was lasting this long I’d want it to hurry up

Uhm…excuse me. I think I’d be able to tell if I was in some dream li….

Spin a top and see if it keeps going forever.

With the information given this is a non question. First the premises doesn’t have an answer so its impossible to tell.

Second if the was an arbitrary answer it would be irrelevant and nothing could be done either way, either you’re not dead and go on with your life, or are can cant do anything about it, so what you’re perceiving as life goes on.

Finally, just more of my own question, if you relive your entire life, that would include the process of your death, as if you’re experiencing it you can’t be fully dead. Does this create a paradox where we never die as each version of our life relived ends with reliving our life and so on?

Although most of my life has been spent on the toilet, I doubt that’s what my brain would recall.