Domande di Internet

American anti-maskers of Internet, the death of 3000 innocent americans (9/11) was enough reasoning to let the goverment violate your personal and private rights. Why are the death of 230.000 innocent americans not enough reasoning to put on a mask when close to other ppl?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: American anti-maskers of MassimoL, the death of 3000 innocent americans (9/11) was enough reasoning to let the goverment violate your personal and private rights. Why are the death of 230.000 innocent americans not enough reasoning to put on a mask when close to other ppl?
American anti-maskers of MassimoL, the death of 3000 innocent americans (9/11) was enough reasoning to let the goverment violate your personal and private rights. Why are the death of 230.000 innocent americans not enough reasoning to put on a mask when close to other ppl?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Bold of you to assume anti-maskers believe in Covid, let alone that the death toll is real. If you genuinely don’t believe in either of those things, it makes perfect sense.

A lot of people don’t support the patriot act either to be fair, Id imagine there’d be quite a lot of overlap between the two groups.

If the voting results tell you anything. Most of america, especially the rest states, don’t care.

It’s time to realize Americans are more selfish than we think. Just care for your loved ones and don’t sacrifice shit for this bs America.


Because you’re deader if you are killed by a foreign terrorist than if you are killed by a virus/s.