Domande di Internet

If you were the last person on Earth how would you spend most of your time ?

Sure there’d be some moments of loneliness and sadness. But I think I’d really enjoy the descent into insanity.

I’d probably start by spending my time breaking into houses and looking for food and, more importantly, drug stashes.

Gotta get some animal companions – I’m sure I’ll be able to liberate plenty of pets. I would probably try and spring some zoo animals free too, like someone mentioned, but tbh, idk if I’m ballsy enough to release the big cats.

visiting every country i dreamed of visiting

Drugs and arson

Break my reading glasses.

packacge my important things

i will like to find a good house something nice but small (i feel scary in a big house lonely make me feel weird and uncorfomtable) so i prefer some place near a supermarket and something happy like a park i will put a barricade first (why? idk why not?)

next thing … found company… rescue some animals in a pet shop to get company and dont lose my mind also find a lot of animal food

if the internet still working learn a lot of things about animals medicine and weapons

in the first part i say i will like to have a house well first i will try to go around some cities to get food and supplies to finally find some nice place to live

at this point i have company…and food… now i will live normally finding food taking care of my pets and one day die because i dont have nothing more to do

i cant make a family no more