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If zombies decompose, wouldn’t you just have to wait it out until they turn into skeletons? What do you think?

The Walking Dead comics actually addressed this for a brief moment, then Robert Kirkman didn’t have the guts to completely remove the zombies so soon I think and never mentioned it again, but still some zombies started to rot too much they couldn’t walk, get up from the ground or attack other people

I hate zombies. For the reasons of maggots, decomposition, gases, smells, diseases. I would wait underground or in an extravagant treehouse until the worst is over.

It depends on how the biology works. If we’re talking rotting TWD zombies, then the worst of it would last a year or so tops.

But if we’re talking about infected people who aren’t ‘dead’, like in I Am Legend of The Last of Us, that would be a serious lasting apocalypse because the infected are still alive and the virus is airborne.

I agree with this +1

I’d imagine if a zombie plague were realistically plausible in our society, and it created some form of artificial immortality like it does in all the TV Shows/Movies, I don’t think weather alone would be enough to eradicate it entirely. Yeah you’d probably have masses of decomposing bodies laying in the streets, but more likely since zombies wander around constantly, moving from climate to climate, you’ll probably get roving hordes instead.

Either way we’re screwed. You’ve either gotta deal with hordes or decomposing bodies, the likes of which will probably attract all manner of plagues/diseases.