Domande di Internet

Introverts of Internet: In what ways you express your desire to the opposite sex?

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t talk to people, it means that being alone is what charges your mental batteries and refreshes you.

I am what is considered an outgoing introvert. I can do very well socially, but only for a period of time, then I need to be alone again to recharge.

By first expressing my desire for the same sex.

The same way extroverts do, just less often.

Introvert doesn’t mean you are shy or have social anxiety.


>Introversion is a basic personality style characterized by a preference for the inner life of the mind over the outer world of other people. One of the Big Five dimensions that define all personalities, introversion sits on a continuum at the opposite end of which is extroversion. Compared to extroverts, introverts enjoy subdued and solitary experiences.

>Introverts do not fear or dislike others, and they are neither shy nor plagued by loneliness. A crowded cocktail party may be torture for introverts, but they enjoy one-on-one engagement in calm environments, which is more suited to the make-up of their nervous system. Evidence suggests that, unlike with extroverts, the brains of introverts do not react strongly to viewing novel human faces; in such situations they produce less dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with reward.

> How Introversion Differs From Shyness

>Introversion is often mistaken for shyness because both are characterized by limited social interaction, but the resemblance stops there. Those who are shy typically want to engage with others but are fearful of doing so. They are highly self-conscious and easily inhibited by others. Many introverts, on the other hand, socialize easily; they just strongly prefer to do so in very small groups or, sometimes, not at all.

I don’t. I had a crush on a girl in high school. I never said anything to her about it. I hope she didn’t notice me looking at her.

I don’t, I’m too scared to