Domande di Internet

Ladies, as a single guy who is afraid to come off as creepy, what is the best way to talk to you randomly or strike up a conversation?

Just start talking to me. Honestly, I’m attracted to guys who are more stoic and assertive, so you could honestly be at the bar and sit next to me and say, “The beer here’s great. What drink did you get? Is it good?”

I’d be impressed by your boldness.

Even if I said, “Are you just hitting on me?”

And your response was, “Yeah, I am,” then I’d be even more impressed.

But I know that’s a scary way to do it. Not all women would respond positively to that. Some women would straight up tell you to fuck off. I would give you my number.

At the end of the day, be assertively you. If you’re goofy, be goofy. If you’re serious and stoic, be serious and stoic. If you’re kind of an asshole, be kind of an asshole, because there are plenty of kind-of-asshole women out there who will enjoy it.

Don’t harass anybody, obviously. Just approach women in a way that feels right to you and don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t work out. If she doesn’t respond positively, she probably wouldn’t have been compatible with you anyway.

Just be a little funny

Make sure to approach her when she is alone and not distracted. Like when she is walking down an empty street. Be sure to speak very loudly as womens hearing is not as good as mens, make sure to show off your teeth at all times since women usually pick their mates based on lenght of teeth. If she appears to be distressed make sure to hold onto her shoulders firmly as this alleviates anxiety in females. Now you have all the information that you need.

First off, read the situation. When you’re off on your own, running errands and minding your own business and someone approaches you out of the blue, there’s a very high chance that they want something. We all look at someone approaching us and have to decide whether they’re going to ask us for change, or try to sell us something, or whether they’re just lost and want some directions.

If you’re looking for a date by randomly talking to complete strangers, you are now being evaluated in this way. And if a woman is young and moderately attractive, you are just the latest in a loooong line of people panhandling for sex. Your chances aren’t that great, and the best thing you can do is take a “sorry, no” gracefully and make it clear that you aren’t going to be one of those panhandlers who follows a stranger around shouting obscenities at them.

If the woman seems open to conversation (maybe she’s new in town and bored, maybe she likes taking risks, maybe she’s an extreme extrovert) then have a conversation. At the end give her your number and let her decide whether she wants to contact you again.

If you’re in a situation where you’re not a total and complete stranger, like at a work function or a party, then start a conversation. Watch the other person’s body language. If they seem comfortable, relaxed, aren’t looking at their watch or excusing themselves, if they aren’t turning their body away from you constantly then keep talking. If they are, maybe wind up the conversation and talk to someone else.

Either way, keep things light and give people an out. Nobody likes feeling trapped. If you both have a good time then exchange numbers and make plans to meet up in a coffee shop or some other public place. (Or for an outdoor walk in these times.) Or maybe you’ll discover that the girl has a partner — but it’s not bad to meet new people, because they tend to know other people, some of whom might be single and into you.

Just say hi, or make conversation about something in the vicinity.

I met my now husband when he begged me to join him in a conga line at an Oktoberfest. 🙂