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People of Internet who decided to run away from their families at one point in time – have you ever regreted fulfilling your decision?

Why are the best questions always so new that they dont have any responses?

Never once.

Best decision I ever made for myself, and ultimately for them.

I ran away in 3rd or 4th grade, but failed. Didn’t know how to explain why to the officer that found me. Don’t really regret running away- more the poor planning. Got lucky and was able to move in with a relative my 2nd year of high school, though.

All my life grandparents have been very abusive. My grandmother would beat my brothers and emotionally manipulate us (made us believe my grandfather was a pedophile). My grandfather was silent throughout my childhood and never provided any support to me or my brothers. My brothers are both disabled as well as my grandfather so a lot of pressure was on me to support the family. We were poor bouncing between trailer parks and ghettos. It was horrible.

About a year ago, my grandmother died. When she died the pressure created so much stress that I began having extreme upper back pain from being so tense all day. I was balancing school, music, my family, and now a funeral. My grandfather, now deciding he’s a man, became extremely vocal and started to use me as an errand boy. Effectively, he wanted me to be what my grandmother was to the family. I had no time to be an individual despite having the extreme desire to break away.

I decided to move out after my current girlfriend offered her guest bedroom to me. I have never once considered moving back in. I feel so free. I make questionable decisions, but I know I am making them myself. Although atheist, I only think of a bible quote in this situation, paraphrasing here, “How can you help your brother with a splinter in his eye, if you yourself have a plank in your own?” I am working to achieve a stable lifestyle so I can really come back to my brothers and help them the best way I know how. Although I miss them, not a day goes by where I regret my decision.

I have planned to as soon as I feasibly can, my parents are assholes and I’m just waiting until I can support myself.