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People who have “outdoor cats”, how do you know they’re coming back?

He’s been coming back for the last 10 years.

Mine came back by dark just shake some treats and do the pspsspsp he’d come running

I used to have an outdoor cats, one day he didn’t come back. I was devastated. Now we only have indoor cats. Poor guy was 1 year old and no problems. I think someone poisoned him because I heard of a guy who left dishes out full of antifreeze. I miss that little guy.

Our outdoor cat, Nacho, refuses to be an indoor cat. My kids often try to snag him and bring him inside. He waits by the door looking pissed. He is totally friendly, will snuggle and purr and sit on your lap AS LONG AS you’re outside. He has a great bed set up in the hay barn, we put his food out daily. Sometimes we see him every day, sometimes not for days. I don’t pretend to know where he goes. I don’t know he’ll come back, but he does and thats nice. The cat has his people, not that we have a cat. He chose us. We just feed him

They know where they get fed and where their warm beds are.