Domande di Internet

People with actual diagnosed mental conditions such as anxiety, how annoying is it to see people on social media throwing around the term so loosely?

Depression and anxiety don’t bother me so much: people may really be feeling depressed and anxious, have no access to psychiatric care, almost fit the diagnostic criteria…

ADHD and OCD bother me more, because people usually significantly downplay those disorders. Forgot something or have a bit of trouble focusing? ADHD! Notice one tile out of order? OCD! IRL, those are very debilitating conditions.

It’s not annoying at all. People generally don’t fake having mental health issues. If they are faking having a specific issue, they probably have some other mental health issue and they’re just confused, so they deserve empathy in that case too.

Depends on the mental health condition. I deal with depression, anxiety, and dissociation. They’re pretty common and I think most people deal with them to a certain degree so I’m not annoyed ever.

But for others that have PTSD, OCD, ADHD I could see it being more annoying because they’re very misunderstood.

A little annoying when people don’t take my shit seriously but doesn’t really bother me besides that

I usually don’t tell people that I have Borderline Personality Disorder because of how negatively it is viewed literally everywhere. There are even therapists who won’t help people with BPD because of judging all people who have BPD by the people with severe cases. People with BPD are often kind of harshly assumed to be monsters.

So I usually just say I have Bipolar type 2 since that’s what I was mistakenly diagnosed with first. And I don’t have a severe case.