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What is the best way to introduce yourself to new people?

Hold up your hand as if or a handshake and then, as soon as they lift theirs a bit to reciprocate, lift both your hands as if you were going in for a hug the whole time. Awkwardly make them switch between handshake and hug a couple of times as you close distance, before committing to the hug. Then kiss them on the cheek, as they pull back, try to awkwardly get another two kisses in European style.

Now just maintain eye contact while biting your bottom lip and you got yourself a friend for life there buddy.

Forget their name in 5 seconds apparently. Been doing it for years.

Hello, I’m RiddlingTea, I just moved in a couple of doors down and I am legally obligated to inform you that I am a registered sex offender.

This may sound kind of lame and corny, but it’s the only thing that make introductions better for me.

I force myself to assume the other person is going to like me. I’ll say inside my own head, “Of course this person is going to like me, because I am inherently likeable.” Something about this mantra hijacks my brain in a way that always makes the situation go smoother.

I hiss at them and then keep distance. Proceeds to screeching if hissing is not effective.