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What is the meaning of life?

There isn’t one, you have to find one that works for you.

I read this once, and it stuck with me: “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.” — Søren Kierkegaard.

We get to give meaning to our lives. We may give temporary meanings, and constantly update our reasoning as we grow and learn more about ourselves and the world we live in.

God created us and loves us.

Everyone here acting all high and mighty, “tHeRe Is nO mEaNiNg!”

That’s bullshit, and I’m here to tell you that life does have meaning!!! And what I believe the meaning is is to be as happy as you can, to feel as loved as you can, and to connect with other souls!!! Could you imagine living on a planet by yourself? Imagine you live in the mountains and you look out at the way the earth curves away from you every morning, knowing that you’d find NOBODY out there. Now, imagine the planet that you actually live on, and there are so many people out there. So many people to love, to cry with, to laugh with, to have inside jokes with, to annoy, to hug, to dance with. Other people are what give life meaning!!! Healthy relationships are what make your 70 or so years in mortality freakin’ worth it!!!!! Once you cross that line of existing and not existing, is your soul going to regret having a family or other souls to have lived a good life with? I doubt it. So don’t waste it because time only moves one direction.