Domande di Internet

What kind of people do you not respect?

People who always talk shit about other people when the people they’re talking shit about aren’t around. You can be sure they also talked shit about you to other people, and 99% of the time it’s made up rumors

The ones that don’t love animals and want to hurt them because it’s “fun”.

The elders who always say “RESPECT YOUR ELDERS” but then treat everyone around them like pieces of shit.

Those useless fuckers that are rude and thoughtless online or over texts, but when they see you in person they are literally dripping sugar and honey trying to suck up to you and pretend you like them. FUCK THEM

People who treat their servers like trash. You can tell a LOT about a person and their character by how they treat servers (to expand, this also applies to other customer service representatives/careers in hospitality).