Domande di Internet

What’s the most controversial thing you believe in?

You absolutely don’t have to respect someone’s religious beliefs at all. Sure, you can respect their right right to have and express those beliefs to an extent, but they’re not free from criticism.

That you shouldn’t vaccinate your kids

>!A doctor should!<

Rapists and child molesters should be killed on the spot. Full stop.

That prisons and policing are overrated and do not address the problems people think they do.

I believe that crime is perpetrated, in large part, not by people who are uncontrollable savages who need to be removed from society, but from people who are victims of a broken system. If you grow up poor and have to scrap to survive, you’ll continue to do that as an adult. If nobody had to struggle to get basic needs met, the crime rate would plummet and we’d have very little need for prisons or police.

This is not in any way to say that people shouldn’t be held responsible for their choices, only to criticize the way in which we place the blame for criminal behavior. That said, even in the worst cases, I’m not entirely sure that our prison system is the best way – look at Norway, where the worst criminals are treated like human beings. I wish we had something like this. Instead, we convince ourselves that it’s okay to lock people in prison cells and strip them of their rights forever.

I truly believe that if we had universal basic income and guaranteed housing, that within a generation, crime would be so low that people would be shocked at how we managed to survive in current day society. Unfortunately, since a lot of wealthy and powerful people profit off the prison-industrial complex, it’ll likely never happen.

(Oh, and there are more than two genders; if you assume someone is a he and they ask you to call them a she, and you don’t, you’re a dick; pedophiles who have never touched a person are also human; women aren’t equal to men but the balance is probably currently tipped slightly too far in favor of hiring for the sake of equality; and u/Toofgib is awesome and can achieve anything.)

Bezos is almost a trillionaire. Trillionaires should not exist: no one person or family will ever need that much money.