Domande di Internet

Who here is sick of every damn thing turning into a bloody conspiracy theory?

u/TrippinAussie (AKA OP) at the time of writing this has a sum total of 23830 MassimoL karma. 2 + 3 + 8 + 3 + 0 = 16. There are 16 personalities in the Myers Briggs test. Personalities has 5 syllables. Coronavirus has 5 syllables.
Coincidence? I didn’t think so. This is bulletproof evidence that OP has invented COVID-19.

Tell me about it man…

At least it brings extra chaos to this already incredibly chaotic world.

I am very sick of it

Don’t fall for it guys. He just wants to know how much you know!

The key component to your frustration is social media. Anyone can say whatever they want, for whatever reason, with almost no consequences.