Domande di Internet

Women of Internet, what do you think about the fall of constantinople in 1453 by the ottoman forces led by Mehmed II?

Am a man, but the fall of Constantinople closed off Europe’s trade routes with Asia (specifically China and India). The Ottomans charged enormous taxes on goods passing through their territory, if they even let goods through at all. This led to Europeans looking for new trade routes. The Portuguese were already a pretty navally focused kingdom and were geographically situated the best to begin naval exploration. So they started trading down the West coast of Africa, eventually rounding the Cape of Good Hope into the Indian Sea. These expeditions allowed the Portuguese to develop their naval technology to the point where they could start venturing out into the Atlantic, beyond the sight of land and still reliably navigate. This led to the discovery of the Azores, which sparked a lot of interest in Europe. It was the first time in living memory new lands had been discovered.

Portugal’s new trade wealth sparked competition with their newly united rival and Iberian peninsula neighbors, the Spanish Kingdoms. The Spanish began funding their own trade voyages to try to compete with Portugal, including, famously, a Genoese explorer named Christopher Columbus.

More than half a millennia later people descended from Europeans who colonized the lands Columbus “discovered” for Europe elected an orange fascist president. So I personally blame Mehmed II for Trump’s election.

It gave us This Gem so I can’t be too mad about it

These are the right questions to ask women!

Not sure I care

Think this joke is over played fam