Domande di Internet

You go to sleep on the 31st of December 2020 and wake up the next day but when you check your phone, it says January 1st 2020, after the first couple of days you realize it’s just like groundhog day, what do you do with the information you have about 2020?

Get a haircut in February.

Save Kobe

idk, cry, invest, reset, repeat.

I use my awesome new found powers for good. First, I look for criminals. I tell the world how and when they will die. I make it happen, even if it wouldn’t. I soon decide to become the god of the new world.

But soon it turns out that there was a great detective on my tail. I try to kill him on live TV. It’s a trick! He survives. His name is L. So begins our game.

This is as much as I could recall of Death Note.

Move to New Zealand