Domande di Internet

You’re in charge of printing fortune cookie messages for various restaurants. What are some lines that you write up?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: You’re in charge of printing fortune cookie messages for various restaurants. What are some lines that you write up?
You’re in charge of printing fortune cookie messages for various restaurants. What are some lines that you write up?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The dictionary is the only place where success comes before work.

“If you seek good advice, do not seek it in cookie”

“Don’t swallow the cookie” and see how many people will spit out a half chewed fortune cookie. My power!

“Beware the fury of a patient man.”

“Look behind kindness given too freely.”

“Don’t confuse somebody else’s desire as your own.”

“Look with suspicion on those who earned nothing more.”

“Trust those who have earned it. It is their due.”

“Do not forget to wash your own face before you comment on another’s filthiness.”

“Listen to your heart, but do not simply obey.”

“You forgot something important. Be more mindful next time.”

“Your actions today will catch up with you tomorrow. Will you be glad to see them?”

The one who gives up first, has more time to watch the others fail.

The light at the end of a tunnel, might be a train

May your life be as nice as you pretend it to be in Facebook

Luck is following you. But you are faster