Domande di Internet

Mariners of Internet, what’s the strangest thing you’ve seen out on the open ocean? [Serious]

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Mariners of MassimoL, what’s the strangest thing you’ve seen out on the open ocean? [Serious]
Mariners of MassimoL, what’s the strangest thing you’ve seen out on the open ocean? [Serious]

Ed ecco le risposte:

Father used to sail yachts for rich bastards across the Atlantic so they could have it in their Mediterranean and Florida houses depending on the time of year. His first time he got to truly see an open, unmolested starry night, and says he was appalled that it was so unusual to him, and because we’re all living in cities everyone’s missing out on that kind of natural beauty that almost every other human in history would’ve had access to.

Strange lights in the sky and water. Usually it’s just a shooting star or some sort of bioluminescent sea creature.

the green flash. I was a photographer on a Cruise ship cant remember what Caused it but I assume it is predictable because I was invited up onto the Bridge to watch it.

In Slovenia, whilst on our research vessel, we saw a pale and bold thing almost submerge from the sea, it looked incredibly humanoid (as in its head was poking above sea level, with a thin layer of water over its head). It was there for a split second, and we assumed it was a diver trying to scare us. Lo and behold, we carried out a biodiversity assessment in that very area and found nothing apart from some smaller fish). But no man.

To this day, me and my marine biology professors have no idea what it was, and how it got there (I was majoring in marine biology at the time).

We named this species as baldus manius

I have only spent about 2 months on the water, with about 2 weeks on the Great Lakes. But even just a couple miles off shore in the Atlantic when it’s a foggy and calm night I totally get what sailors talk about when they say “sailing off the edge” sometimes it looks like the water just stops and there’s nothing after it.