Domande di Internet

Very few inventions and concepts stand the test of time like Roman Numerals – what recent modern invention or concept will be around in 1000 years?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Very few inventions and concepts stand the test of time like Roman Numerals – what recent modern invention or concept will be around in 1000 years?
Very few inventions and concepts stand the test of time like Roman Numerals – what recent modern invention or concept will be around in 1000 years?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The internet. It will go though MANY iterations, but it isn’t going anywhere. It will become better, it will become a WHOLE new network in time, but the overall “internet” is too valuable a concept to go away.

Plastic waste

Glitter. They’ll still be finding and cleaning that shit up 1000 years from now.

Kim Kardashian. Not sure what the fuck she’s made of.. But it definitely ain’t biodegradable. They gonna have to encase her in concrete like an old nuclear reactor.

Sliced bread.