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What in your opinion is the most overrated show of all time ?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What in your opinion is the most overrated show of all time ?
What in your opinion is the most overrated show of all time ?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Greys Anatomy I can’t stand it

ANY talent show. American Idol, Americas for talent, etc.

The show would be 1000x more enjoyable if they stopped with life stories and let us hear the talent their show says we can watch. STFU and let the people perform! I don’t care how Emily cake from a poor family, so did they other 98% of the contestants. Yes, this is their ONE chance. But its the same for EVERY ONE.

The Big Bang Theory

The Walking Dead. It was great the first few seasons, but it is God awful now. As a whole, overrated.

Whatever cookie-cutter, teenie-bopper bullshit “Riverdale” is