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What’s a fact that was hidden from you as a child?

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What’s a fact that was hidden from you as a child?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Info about my biological dad. Like at first he abandoned me cause he didn’t want me, then I was told he was dead, then I was told he did leave but not because he didn’t want me but because somebody put a hit out on him and that one turned out to be true.

My parents really didn’t want children and they regretted having me.

There isn’t a trade-in program to bring in old legos to get new ones. Some fucker just stole all my legos from our parked car and my parents told me this so I would not be sad.

I hope he experienced the small parts choking hazard himself, the cunt

It is actually not the official policy of Wonderland (large amusement park outside of Toronto) that you are only allowed to visit once per year.

I’m not mad, I actually think it was hilarious that my parents convinced us of this.

Santa Claus ain’t real.