
[Avatar] The reason the Na’vi want to be low tech is because the planet would kill them if they advanced, and it has killed the Na’vi for advancing before.

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[Avatar] The reason the Na’vi want to be low tech is because the planet would kill them if they advanced, and it has killed the Na’vi for advancing before. e ci spiega:

Toward the end, the planet turned on the humans after the humans were about to win. A common misconception in the movie is the Na'vi won against high tech weaponry. They didn't. They got their ads handed to them and the humans only lost because they didn't anticipate every animal in the forest turning on them at once.

So why did the planet choose against the humans? The planet didn't care when the Na'vi were getting killed earlier, so clearly it doesn't care about the Na'vi or their lives in particular.

A huge part of the Na'vi religion is balance of life and death. As we find out about halfway through the movie, this isn't just standard animism, but that the Na'vi actually do live on a sentient planet that really does seem to value life and death. They've deified the planet because they're not spacefaring and don't know better (except the hippie humans who clearly know better and know it's a sentient planet, but play along with the animism because…reasons). Which is why the forest turned on the humans; they were throwing the whole life and death thing far out of balance and if they won, they would've strip mined and exploited the planet more, which the planet doesn't want.

Which brings me back to my original theory is that I suspect something like the forest turning against people happened to the Na'vi in the past. In a briefing, someone says that the Na'vi don't want roads or medicine and prefer mud. Jake repeats this in a report, using hippie language. Now, Jake says it in a dumb and hippie way, but they touched on something interesting.

The planet demands life and death balance, and has the ability to enforce this balance if any one species exceed this balance. Say for instance, like inventing technology.

The Na'vi aren't primitive because of hippie dippie hoo ha. They're primitive because the planet demands it, and will kill them if they become too advanced. And it likely has destroyed previous Na'vi civilizations that became more advanced in the past.