Testo Canzone Our Prom Time

Our Prom Time
High School Musical 3
High School Musical 3
Testo canzone

[Ritornello 1:]
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Throw the cheers into the air
It's coming closer;
Time to dance,
It's our prom time,
Our night to share.

Book the ride,
Choose the suit
Get the flowers;
Check one, two, three.
(Cast: One, two, three)

Bring on the fabulous shoes and tie,
It's for the photographs, the reason why.

I gotta look my best to impress my girl,
This night's our night, I'll do it right.

[Ritornello 2:]
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Throw the cheers into the air
It's coming closer,
Endless lists to fill It's our prom night,
Let's make it real.

We'll be surrounded by shining lights,
Together we'll dance and sing the night away.
(Cast: The night away! )

I'll dress the part of Queen
With the looks of Cleopatra
Everything's fabulous, that crown is mine.

I'm ready to make these memories,
They're to last And I promise I won't cry.
(Cast: When it comes to say goodbye.)

[Ritornello 2:]
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Throw the cheers into the air
It's coming closer,
Endless lists to fill It's our prom night,
Let's make it real.

Get your best dress ready,
Shine your dancing shoes,
Who'll become Prom King and Queen?
Our prom time is coming. (Cast: Prom time! )

[Ritornello 1:]
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Throw the cheers into the air
It's coming closer;
Time to dance,
It's our prom time,
Our night to share.

[Ritornello 2:]
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
Throw the cheers into the air
It's coming closer,
Endless lists to fill It's our prom night,
Let's make it real.

Our Prom Time! Yeah!

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