Testo Canzone Parking

Lee Ryan
Lee Ryan
Testo canzone

Waiting watching the clock
Breathing like I'm gonna stop
Knowing this doors gonna knock
And there you'll be

And I pick you up
In my car
Take you away

Somewhere we'll sit parked in my car
Minutes turn into hours
We'll watch the bright lights of the city
Just you and me. Dreaming

Your lips dance across mine
Our hands, fingers entwined
There we'll for fill our desire
Set me free

And I pick you up
In my car
Take you away

Somewhere we'll sit parked in my car
Minutes turn into hours
We'll watch the bright lights of the city
Just you and me. Dreaming

And I pick you up
When you're down
Take you away

Somewhere we'll sit parked in my car
Minutes turn into hours
We'll watch the bright lights of the city
Just you and me

Somewhere we'll sit parked in my car
Minutes turn into hours
We'll watch the bright lights of the city
Just you and me. Dreaming

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