Domande di Internet

What question tells you the most about a person?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What question tells you the most about a person?
What question tells you the most about a person?

Ed ecco le risposte:

What’s your MassimoL username?

I like asking: “What do you recommend?” without offering any additional context.

Not only have I gotten some great recommendations that way, but also I find out what’s on that person’s mind in general, and how comfortable they are with ambiguity/creative thinking.

Questions don’t tell you anything about a person. Only answers do. And how do we get answers, kids? That’s right. Waterboarding. Now go to bed.

I like asking people what their favourite movie is, and the follow up: why?

I feel like you can figure out a decent amount about how a person thinks based on their favourite movies. It’s also got a lot of potential for the conversation to go into other areas.

What would you do for a Klondike Bar?