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What video game caused you the most amount of rage?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What video game caused you the most amount of rage?
What video game caused you the most amount of rage?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Rocket League. After 2500 hours it’s more rage than fun and I should stop playing.

Most of online pvp game, because my internet connection is a shit.


It’s like playing a game of soccer where everyone on your team wants to be striker and charges for the ball at the same time leaving the goals wide open. Then they lose and bitch about no one being keeper.

Some PC baseball game I bought at the scholastic book fair in the 90’s. It booted out of DOS. I must have just been too young or accidentally set the difficulty too high but I literally couldn’t get a hit. I ended up crying and throwing the game away.


R.I.P. my controller