Domande di Internet

You know how police departments normally try to defend themselves? Where’s all the body camera footage showing they are doing nothing wrong?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: You know how police departments normally try to defend themselves? Where’s all the body camera footage showing they are doing nothing wrong?
You know how police departments normally try to defend themselves? Where’s all the body camera footage showing they are doing nothing wrong?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Whoops forgot to turn it on

YouTube channel Police Activity is a great channel that shows when the cops are in the right, and in the wrong. Be warned though, it is graphic, but at least they started blurring the wounded/killed lately.

Good question.

They’re enabled to the point of being able to spontaneously beat up/pepper spray peaceful protesters. You think anyone in command is making it a priority to upload all their body cam footage? The same people in command that won’t punish them anyway? Until there is accountability, this is a moot question.

This question is more loaded than the guns cops use to shoot at civilians.