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My [18F] boyfriend [29M] has been poking holes in his condoms when we have sex.

I’m so so sorry. This man is not your friend. He wants to father his child without your consent. He also has sex with you without your consent. This is Rape. I’m not going to sugar coat it. His support is all about him. Go and get an IUD. Deal with the side effects. The side effects are better than having a baby. Now you need to plan for your exit. Save money. Make connections. If you stay with him you’ll be pregnant and dependant on him.

Just to clarify.. your boyfriend doesn’t care whether you’re consenting or not and is trying to get you pregnant?

I’m not sure if you want to call that “love”.. but it isn’t. If there is a friends place you can go to before anything else, I suggest you act on that.

Please find a friend or some sympathetic family to go stay with. You’ve got to cut this guy out of your life ASAP.

Your BF is a predator, he sexually assaults you regularly by the sounds of it, and is trying to get you pregnant to be able to anchor you down to himself and – if you stay – he will almost certainly start exerting/demanding more and more control over you, your body, and your finances. The age difference alone is a big thing – predators usually make it a point to go after young, inexperienced girls who (much like yourself) don’t know any better when they’re being abused and can be misled into believing that’s what “love” is supposed to be.

Please OP, just because someone abuses you less than your previous frame of reference doesn’t mean they’re not a toxic piece of shit themselves. You deserve better, and you’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Don’t let this asshole ruin it.