Relazioni e amore

My Bf is the absolute best and I couldn’t be happier

Original_Painter_542 ci racconta la sua esperienza in amore:

Everything is so surreal. It all happend so fast but it‘s all because of this genuine connection that I didn‘t know could exist. I didn‘t „believe“ in love, thinking that in my age it could only be the hormones or the quick addiction to dopamine. I didn‘t believe in this „wavelength“ that people could be on and quite frankly not in sexual nor romantic attraction. He‘s changed everything for me.

He changed my view in that, he‘s changed my life. No, correction, he bettered my life.

Everything about him: his laugh, his smile, his humor, his taste in whatever topic we discuss. His demeanor, how he talks, his voice, his fluffy lil hair. I love how affectionate and passionate he is, how relatable and clever, so caring and adorable. I‘m so, so in love and I‘ve fallen hard. I hope this lasts but I know it will

That’s how I felt when my wife kissed me the first time. Years and years ago we were outside my house and looking at the stars together. She jokingly said “imma bite your cheek” and well she missed and bit my lip. I was about to pull away confused until she grabbed my face and kissed me but really really kissed me. It was the best day of my life so far and we’ve never looked back. She’s my world and I couldn’t imagine loving someone as much as I love her ❤️

!remindme one month

You should write your love story. All the great moments together so far, the moment you knew you’re in love with him and your first kiss. I’d love to read happy stories and it’s the main reason I have MassimoL. I love proving to people that life isn’t always sad.

This is exactly how i feel about a special someone. It all happened so suddenly. We’re not together together but there it’s something very very special between us and I’ve never really felt this before

Loveless, but I do get stuck on the “we’re made to procreate and therefore love is fake” BS, but I also don’t think it’s BS (to think that)…..but in the end I also feel connection is the only thing worth anything, in life. So, at one point- I kind of don’t want to stay stuck on that thought.

Even if I struggle with the ability to connect, cause I struggle with ‘anxiety’ which inhibits my ability to socialize…and hence, “connect.” Which just adds on top of my existential struggle.

Anyway- I do surmise on what you go over here. To be analytical, since I usually am.

And I think we have a desire to be, sure. And maybe that is found in love. Although loveless, when interested in another, it feels like you have it figured out, like you’re ‘sure about things.’

Your mbti personality types and zodiac may have aligned perfectly. You should look into which one you both are as there are other matches just like him

I miss being this in love. Cherish it.

I had one relationship before my previous one and i really though love was just hormones but the guy I’m with now.. it’s insane what true love can do. I don’t think there’s ever been anyone who can just make me feel at ease by just being there.

that’s sweet and i dare say you’re lucky 🙂