Relazioni e amore

UPDATE: Should I press charges against my mom for letting her friends sexually assault me?

I’m sorry you had this happen. Remember you are not testifying against them. You are relating true events that happened to you. You are not responsible for their adult actions. Adult actions have consequences.

Super proud you are going to court.

I’m so sorry this has happened to you and I hope you can see and understand that none of this is your fault. Not one tiny bit. The consequences that they will have to face are due to their own doing and are also not your fault. You are 100 percent doing the right thing. People should not sexually harass anyone let alone a minor. Your mother should have protected you, starting with controlling her drinking, protecting you from the others there, taking you home at a reasonable time, before you were falling asleep at a bar and getting you home safely. She has let you down on every level. I’m so glad your father has prioritised your well-being. Take care of yourself, I wish you all the best.

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