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“Agreeing to things just to keep the peace is actually a trauma response. When you do this you’re disrespecting your boundaries. No more making yourself uncomfortable for others to feel comfortable. You have control now. You run your life. ~DJ Love Light..Do you Agree?

Context matters.

Kinda but no. There are moments where you should assert yourself and moments you shouldn’t. You’ll waste a lot of time by constantly doing that haha. It just depends on the situation and person. Then again, thats how I feel. I’m not trying to pull myself into an argument thats not necessary

I used to be in a relationship. She would bring small arguments because she would get bothered. She also came from a type of culture where she was taught that the husband/partner exists to solve her problems. I would be made guilty if I did not stop what I was doing to recomfort her, to deliver her medicine if she needed it, to tell her everything would be okay everyday.
Many times I found myself accepting things I would not accept to avoid a bigger argument. Yes, arguing every now and then is one thing. Try to disagree while already having smaller arguments. You will get drained and exhausted.
Be careful when you agree too much. The other person needs to understand certain things.

No more disrespecting your boundaries generally entails disrespecting other people boundaries.

Being a selfish prick has its own issues.

Naah. You have to choose your battles.