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“Agreeing to things just to keep the peace is actually a trauma response. When you do this you’re disrespecting your boundaries. No more making yourself uncomfortable for others to feel comfortable. You have control now. You run your life. ~DJ Love Light..Do you Agree?

I think that agreeing to things just to keep the peace can be a trauma response, but it can also be a practical decision. Just from this quote DJ Love Light seems like the kind of person who calls anyone they disagree with an abuser, and I don’t care for that.

Mostly yes but sometimes it is better to not argue with idiots

I agree if it will get me upvotes.

Listen, if my friend choose to eat their pizza crust first, I am of course a bit wierded out, but not going to start an argument over it.

Or, sometimes its just a topic which is not important enough to me to be worth a fight over it.