Domande di Internet

Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets after having just showered is truly one of the best feelings, what other experiences match or surpass it?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets after having just showered is truly one of the best feelings, what other experiences match or surpass it?
Crawling into a bed with fresh sheets after having just showered is truly one of the best feelings, what other experiences match or surpass it?

Ed ecco le risposte:

A really good big stretch when everything clicks just right

Closing 20 chrome tabs after completing your research paper.

Having an unexpected cozy nap and waking up to smell your favourite dinner almost ready. God tier

Being out in the cold all day then get home and bask in the warmth of your home/room.

My code compiling without errors and my program running as expected.