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do people die instantly when they’ve been shot to the vital areas (like what they show in the movies), or do they live for a few minutes before dying (like what they show in the movies)?

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63 utenti della rete avevano questa curiosità: Spiegami do people die instantly when they’ve been shot to the vital areas (like what they show in the movies), or do they live for a few minutes before dying (like what they show in the movies)?
Spiegami do people die instantly when they’ve been shot to the vital areas (like what they show in the movies), or do they live for a few minutes before dying (like what they show in the movies)?

Ed ecco le risposte:

The only shot that will switch someone off instantly is the brain/brain stem most hits to the organs take seconds or minutes before the person dies

It depends on so many things. The typical dramatized suicide scene, where someone shoves the barrel of a gun in their mouth and pulls the trigger, that will almost definitely cause instantaneous death. A direct wound to the heart would also be a quick death but not necessarily instant in some cases; how quickly you die that way depends so much on the amount of actual trauma sustained.

My favorite, neck wounds such as getting sliced across your jugular, honestly that sometimes doesn’t take any time at all for someone to die from. It can take 10-60 seconds.

In general, it’s going to be different whether it’s fast or slower because of so many factors. Blood lose closer to the heart or brain will kill you faster because obviously your heart is what keeps the blood pumping and your brain is what controls your heart. Lung damage is also a fast killer because of suffocation but that is over the span of minutes rather than seconds.

Only a shot to the brain will kill you instantly. If your heart stops you have 10-15 seconds before you pass out. Unless the injury cuts brain blood/oxygen supply completely it will take a little while.

Depends on where you’re shot, if it’s the brain or heart you pretty much die instantly (or if you lose too much blood or blood pressure at once), if your lungs for example are severely damaged it can take a minute or two for you to either bleed out or be deprived of oxygen.

Besides what others have said about the damage to organs that will likely cause death over time, the shock of impact and the pain from being shot will often incapacitate you meaning you won’t be able to seek medical attention for yourself. This is of course dependent on a number of factors including where you got shot, what organs were hit, etc.