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Everyone has a distinct smell so when two people move in together, which smell remains? Does one person adopt the other persons smell or do they develop their own mixed smell? Also when they break up who keeps the smell? Or do they both go back to their old smell or get joint custody of the smell?

I donno but when my friend moved into her grandmas old house, it smelled like old people’s house. I figured it would change eventually but it still smells vaguely like old lady. And they’ve been there a few years now. I think the carpet is holding a lot of smell.

I can answer this! I’m a terrible person and keep moving in with terrible people, so over the years I’ve had a lot of roommates. I’m also sensitive to odors.

The smells in the common area blend together, often creating a third tertiary smell. Any personal areas (like bedrooms) retain the preferred scent of the user.

Often bathrooms will smell like soap+. The plus is from the other peoples scents lingering there. It’s gross. Pro tip: if you can agree with your housemate to use the same scented soap, your life will be better.

Kitchens are strange because it’s where we smell the most. So when that scent suddenly changes it sets off alarm bells. Especially if your diets differ: for example if a vegan moves in with an omnivore. Instead of butter being the fat of choice, they might use coconut oil, which will alter your kitchens scent for months after they move out.

Smelling is fun!

Their individual scents blend into one new synthesis.

The combined scent persists until each showers and washes clean.

I still smell my newest roommate. It’s a mixture of spoiled cheese and cornflakes. He pays his rent and doesn’t bother me too much. I constantly fantasize about making him disappear and keeping all of his money.

I live with my husband and 2 housemates. Apparently I smell spicey and my husband smells like laundry and baby powder to me.

When we first moved in our house smelt like our housemates. It was like a floraly sort of smell. I now perceive it as a mixed smell of all four of us, but when other people visit they say it smells spicey, so I must be dominating haha. I suspect it is all the curry I make.