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Have any real-life archeologists ever found a still-working boobie trap in an old tomb or temple like an Indiana Jones movie?

No idea, but one time around Christmas of ’91 me and my buddy went into this really nice house looking for old artifacts and turns out the entire house was booby traps. In fact, it took hours for us to even get in. The only way we could get in was the basement door, which was still heavily boobied. But, yeah there were many booby traps in the house. Turns out, the traps were set up by an eight-year-old boy!

The main problem with boobie traps is, once they are triggered, they are not safe anymore.

Nice question. Therefore you might find this interesting, even if it is not really related.

Isn’t that what Oak Island is?

I was watching Avatar the Last Airbender on Netflix and this question came to mind as well. Glad somebody asked

Boobie traps? No, boobies couldn’t possibly hold up to 2000 years worth of sagging. The booby traps from the movies are also fictional and were more like anti-theft measures than traps.