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How can you calm yourself if you have a panic attack?

I don’t know how a panic attack compares to an anxiety attack so my advice might not translate, but: my strategy is to find some kind of mantra that I can use to tell myself two things: 1) My concerns and fears are real, but 2) Focusing on those thoughts in that way isn’t going to help right now.

I work a bit differently, but here are some things I do:

  • Drink a lot of water (it helps me think and calm down slowly)

  • Don’t look in mirrors (I could start being mean to myself.)

  • Take a break from whatever I’m doing for 20 minutes.

  • Breathe in for 4 seconds, and breathe out for 7 seconds.

  • The 5,4,3,2,1 Method (Name 5 things around you, 4 things you can touch, 3 people who love you, 2 of my favorite things, and 1 favorite memory.)

My therapist says you have to change your “body chemistry” and there are several (Healthy) ways to do it… I like 1.5 minutes of vigorous Exercise. For example, run up and down the stairs, do jumping jacks, or do burpees. I have a stationary bike. I just pedal like a cheetah is chasing me for 90 seconds and it helps so much. You can also stick your head in a bucket of ice water. I’ve also heard that eating a pinch of salt is helpful but I haven’t tried that one. Good luck

Focus on your breathing and consciously slow it dowm

Take deep belly breaths. Like taking a toke, long slow draw, hold, slow release. When you breathe with your belly and not your rib cage and diaphragm it relaxes your body. Think of a sleeping baby.