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How did we end up in an age where people question basic scientific facts? Where did it go wrong?

I think an important part of learning is to question what we are taught. I’m not anti-vax or flat earth but the one thing these groups get right is that it is important to learn and discover for yourself. However, this is a big however drawing a valid conclusion from these observations is an equally important part. Most of the argument flat earth gives falls apart and instead of addressing those issues they just sweep it up in word soup. I believe a discussion about anything is valid provided someone is willing to listen and understand and that’s the best part about science is that there is a right answer for most of the basic physics we know. However, this can change look at the understanding of an atom. The problem is not people questioning scientific fact it’s part of the scientific process it’s why papers are pier reviewed. The problem is that people can easily voice there invalidated conclusions to those observations.

Because there is strength in number. You can have the stupidest ideas and you can always find people who believe the shit on Facebook. Then, you feel proud about yourself because you are not alone. You think you are smart because now you are with the gang of stupid.

Because people started to attach political objectives to scientific discoveries.

They want attention but they won’t admit it

… It’s always been that way. Inquisitions, witch hunts, we’ve seen these throughout history and it was way more severe then than now. It should also be noted that questioning basic scientific “facts” is how science inevitably progresses as well. So I’m not sure why this question even exists.