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How would you address another woman’s recent weight loss ?

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Title says it all. What would you say first thing to someone you haven’t seen in years after a very obvious weight loss ?

Ed ecco le risposte del genere femminile:

You don’t. You let them bring it up first, and if they say nothing you say nothing.

Even saying “you look great!” can have a negative effect if someone has lost weight because they’ve been ill or struggling with an eating disorder.

I wouldn’t address her weight loss at all until/if she mentions it first. I might say something about her outfit if I like it, but especially if you don’t know how she lost weight (and if you haven’t seen her in years I’m guessing you probably don’t know), you probably shouldn’t address it. It could be something she’s happy about and proud of or it could be the result of a health issue that she’d probably rather avoid discussing.

“Wow, you look great!” and leave it at that. Not all significant weight loss is intentional. Chronic illness can also have that effect, and treating the weight loss as a goal can be wildly tactless in those cases. If the person wants you to know it was something they worked for, you’ll hear all about it anyway.

I wouldn’t. Maybe it’s not a good thing. “Hey, it’s good to see you, what have you been up to?” is enough. If she mentions the weight loss like it’s a good thing, I’d agree and praise her efforts, but otherwise, I wouldn’t mention it.

I wouldn’t, unless they brought it up first. Weight loss can happen for a lot of different reasons (including illness, depression, and grief) and isn’t an inherent good, so I wouldn’t want to comment on it with any kind of value judgment, or at all, unless the other person wanted to talk about it.

“It’s great to see you! It’s been so long!”

She’ll elaborate or comment on the weight loss if she wants to share. Personally I’d avoid “You look great!” If it’s an ED situation, comments like that can perpetuate the problem.

But why would you address a woman’s weight loss?
Like others have said, just say you look great and leave it at that unless they say something more.

You don’t

That goes for men, women, and non-binary. Like others mentioned, you don’t know the reason for their weight loss.

My brother had an emergency appendectomy and lost a lot of weight after the surgery. He was getting annoyed about people commenting on his weight because he didn’t voluntary lose it and whole situation was pretty traumatic.

“I like your outfit today” I’m not commenting on someone’s weight, I know how that feels. Weather it’s gained or lost, you don’t know what is going on in their life to cause the weight loss or gain.

I wouldnt.

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